「It’s being seen, but you aren’t observing.」
「Before collecting information, it’s an important mistake to turn a consideration.」
「It’s my principle that it’s important to be small all the while.」
「Even a small group of a chain should know to try to know the kind because a life is the one like a big chain.」
「People mock to be difficult for them to understand.」
「I completely have no memory tired with work. But when nothing is being done, I tire in bad shape.」
「An ordinary person doesn’t learn about existence of an excellent person from himself, but the person who has the aptitude will distinguish between geniuses immediately.」
「When spending the side from which a story isn’t learned about, I’d notice that noble moral fiber is the best wisdom.」
「You can presume that Atlantic and Niagara Falls can also exist from a drop of water.」
「People spurn that one doesn’t understand.」
「When I’m fanciless, there is nothing fearfulness.」
「Even if a however strange thing the one which erased all impossibility and stayed in the end is, that becomes true.」
イギリスの作家、医師、政治活動家。 推理小説・歴史小説・SF小説などを多数著した。とりわけ『シャーロック・ホームズ』シリーズの著者として知られ、現代のミステリ作品の基礎を築いた。