「I was right not to be afraid of any thief but myself, who will end by leaving me nothing.」
「Don’t sidestep suffering. You have to go through it to get where you’re going.」
「Defeat in this world is no disgrace if you really fought well and fought for the right thing.」
「It is such a relief to be told the truth.」
「Love must be learned, and learned again; there is no end to it.」
「She always kept things secret in such a public way.」
「One of the marks of a gift is to have the courage of it.」
「I’ve never felt that the fact of being a woman put me at a disadvantage.」
「You waste life when you waste good food.」
「You do not create a style. You work, and develop yourself; your style is an emanation from your own being.」
「I have not much interest in anyone’s personal history after the tenth year, not even my own. Whatever one was going to be was all prepared before that.」
「I shall try to tell the truth, but the result will be fiction.」
「The past is never where you think you left it: you are not the same person you were yesterday.」
「Miracles are instantaneous, they cannot be summoned, but come of themselves, usually at unlikely moments and to those who least expect them.」
「God does not know whether a skin is black or white. He sees only souls.」