
「A life only of the once. That’s all lives we have.」


「Advance bravely. When doing that, everything would work.」


「To live gives up which person you are, and without having faith, is more regrettable than dying. Than dying while young.」


「One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it.」


「Act, and God will act.」


「The person who can rescue this country besides me isn’t possible.」


「Because we fight, God gives me a victory.」


「I am not afraid... I was born to do this.」


「An irreplaceable life, that’s everything man has. I’m believing that and am living through me, and I’m dying.」


「If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me.」


「Things more are written on a book in my center.」

(わが主の書物には、あなたがたより たくさんのことが書かれているのです。)

「Children say that people are hung sometimes for speaking the truth.」


「Because God commanded, I thought I had to make it the street.」


「I would rather die than do something which I know to be a sin, or to be against God's will.」


「I was in my thirteenth year when I heard a voice from God to help me govern my conduct. And the first time I was very much afraid.」





